Monday 26 August 2013

Mani Monday

OPI: Don't Pretzel my Buttons

First of all, can we talk about how cute this name is. I give props to the creators at OPI for coming up with the cutest and most clever names for their nail polishes. As the end of August is approaching us (where the hell did August go?), the temperature should-emphasis on the should- be cooling off. Seeing as where I live we like to do things a little differently, July was cool and August has been a scorcher. I am tired of wearing brights on my nails, and I'm ready for the darks, therefor I opted for this beautiful nude as my transition colour. This is a very creamy nude, and with just two thin coats you get a nice opaque nude colour. I think this colour would look good on any skin tone, in any month of the year. This is by far my favourite nude polish I have come across, it is the perfect nude colour- not too pink, not too orange, just right.

 OPI: Don't Pretzel my Buttons

I could never be a hand model. 

I'm going to try and post my mani Monday's as frequently as possible. 
Xo, Ellen

1 comment:

  1. I have this polish and I totally love the color. Such a pretty nude!

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